Learn English with TED talks



Lisa Kristine: Photos that bear witness to modern ... I'm 150 feet down an illegal mine shaft in Ghana. The air is thick with heat and dust, and it's hard to breathe. I can feel the brush of sweaty bodies passing me in the darkness, but I …


Munir Virani: Why I love vultures - YouTube I would like to talk to you about a very special group of animals. There are 10,000 species of birds in the world. Vultures are amongst the most threatened group of birds. When you see a vulture …


Allan Savory: How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change The most massive tsunami perfect storm is bearing down upon us. This perfect storm is mounting a grim reality, increasingly grim reality, and we are facing that real…


David R. Dow: Lessons from death row inmates Two weeks ago, I was sitting at the kitchen table with my wife Katya, and we were talking about what I was gonna talk about today. We have an 11-year-old son; his name is Lincoln. He was sitting…